Web Browsers

How to speed up your computer with Chrome Extensions

Here’s a couple of tips relating to extensions that you are using with Chrome – You’ll probably find your computer will run much better taking the below advice. Maybe not the most accurate title, but read on and I’ll give you some pointers and share some ideas based on what I’ve read on the internet and […]

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Google Chrome Search Engine

Chrome is a pleasant alternative web browser to use, and not only on your desktop computer also. It can be also used on smartphones, iPads etc. Did you know that it makes searching a whole lot easier than what you are used to?  Read on … One thing that I love that you can search […]

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Google to release their browser project

Google, in competition with Internet Explorer and Firefox, is set to release their own browser tomorrow – named Chrome. The good news is that the beta release of the browser will be open source. It promises to be complete, yet simple. Google have have released a comic book telling you about the new browser. In […]

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Web Browser macros

How good is this? Record and replay your web activities with iMacros , a free extension for Firefox. This powerful tool has countless applications. You can use it to fill in forms that stretch across multiple pages, to automatically log into a site and perform specific activities, or even to extract data from a site […]

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