So what’s the buzz with the new software release for the iPhone 3G and 3GS? In summary, you get:
* Wallpapers for the home screen – yeah nothing new for most other phones on the market but great on the iPhone (now)
* Multitasking – great innovation but I would prefer to be able to select what apps I want running in the background (not just all)
* Better mail interface – You can separate the viewing of different email accounts, or have them together
* Systemwide spell checker
* Sorting of apps into folders – awesome idea as I have a LOT of apps on my phone
* Create playlists ON your iPod
* Message app improvements – for example you can search through your messages
* iBooks – so you can read books from the iTunes digital bookstore
* Digital zoom on your camera – yeah, still no replacement for a ‘real camera’ . Note: There is no optical zoom on these cameras. Google what the diff is if you don’t know
* Change your default search engine in Safari
Well, they are the major changes to the OS. For a more graphical view, go here.
I have read that the upgrade takes 30 mins, but for me it took closer to 2 hhours when you take into consideration the downloading of the new OS, restore backup and a couple of PC (required) reboots. Oh, and make sure your iTunes is up to date before you start too.
I’ve only had it running for about 24 hours, but the phone performs quite well, and the new features I’m certainly taking advantage of on my 3GS iPhone. Well done, Apple.