Google Maps Street View Hits Australia

Google today has released street view in Australia, the third country to get it.

The snapshots are taken by a fleet of cars fitted with special cameras that drive across the country, capturing images on every street corner and along every highway. Quite possibly you have seen them out on the streets. They are just a normal car with a small Google logo on the door, and a long pole with a camera mounted on the roof of the car.

The technology has so far been used to create virtual replicas of major US cities and the route of this year’s Tour De France, but Google will today unveil its most comprehensive Street View project to date – the mapping of virtually all of southeast Australia and much of the east and west coasts.

I checked out my house and it looks like the photo was taken on garbage day 🙂 as there are garbage bins outside of my house.

Lastly, a bit of trivia – Google Maps was actually invented in Australia and that is why there is now more extensive coverage than in the USA.

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