I love using Mediawiki, but my first install I completely forgot the Admin password. And not having an email address setup in my profile (for the admin user) made me wonder how to reset it.
I knew I had to get into the SQL database, and I don’t pretend to be an expert in playing around with tables etc, but I have done some (very) basic editing via PHPMyAdmin.
The problem with Mediawiki was that I unable to overtype a new password, and select MD5 to encrypt it as it was showing a binary field (as shown in the full post):
After a substantial amount of time Googling away, I found the fix. And as the website I got it off said, I’m posting it here for my own reference because it took so long to find.
Within PHPMyAdmin where you can input queries etc,
UPDATE user SET user_password = md5(CONCAT(‘1-‘,md5(‘newpassword’))) WHERE user_id = 1;
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Thanks for the information. Saved my day!