
PuTTY with Tabs?

My terminal emulation program of choice is PuTTY. It’s a small, simple but very functional piece of software. My only gripe with it has been that it doesn’t have a facility for multiple sessions or tabs – like Secure CRT for example. But today I found something that does the job. It’s call the PuTTY […]

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Linux software equivalents

Just made the switch to Linux from Windows (or even OS X?) and are having trouble finding software similar/equivalent to what you are used to? Yes, the linux learning curve is steep but rewarding when you do start working it all out. Here is a good website that lists the Windows/OS X software and the […]

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Home surveillance with Linux and Zoneminder made easy – Part II

My last post I gave a quick overview of my hardware (PC, camera and capture card) that I was using on my surveillance system. This post I will explain what OS and software I use. My operating system of choice for this ‘project’ was SUSE. The initial reason was that learning Linux is (in my […]

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Home surveillance with Linux and Zoneminder made easy – Part I

Want to set up a home surveillance system at home while having a bit of fun? Here’s a bit of a guide of what to do – or more so what I did and how. Originally this started as a bit of a project in my spare time, but after some teenage idiots decided to […]

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Router Sim Using Real Cisco IOS Images

There’s nothing better than a router sim that has the full Cisco command set available to utilise. All of the router sims (up to now) have a stripped down collection of commands to use. I stumbled on this website a few weeks ago. It’s an open source product that runs on Windows and Linux boxes, […]

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