Wouldn’t it be great to write programs that could automate repetitive tasks? Or do you want to just learn programming? Python is a really good start into the world of coding.
In the world of programming, there are a lot of languages to pick from. Some are purpose built for particular tasks, and some are easier than others.
Python is a good all round language that is not too hard to learn. If you have programmed before, you’ll pick it up relatively easy.
If you haven’t, there is soooo much info on the internet that will help you – the best thing is a lot of it is free. Let’s have a look what is out there.
Wait! I see that there is Python 2 and Python 3. What should I learn?
Straight from the Python wiki (as I couldn’t word it better myself):
Short version: Python 2.x is legacy, Python 3.x is the present and future of the language
You will see much discussion on the internet about what version to use. There are a lot more libraries out there for version 2 than version 3. It really doesn’t matter at the end of the day – whatever version satisfies works for you is good enough. Personally I use Python 2 and it does everything i need it to.
Moving on and in no particular order, here are some great resources to help you on your Python journey.
Learn Python The Hard Way – A great series of 52 (free) tutorials or (paid) videos. Well worth the money.
Code Academy – An interactive tutorial. Very good for beginners as you jump right into it.
Learn Python – Another great interactive site. Easy to follow.
Finally, below is a series of YouTube videos that Google has run on programming in Python. I found them really helpful and easy to follow.
Is there any other good resources that I have missed? Leave a message below. Also, let me know what you think of the above resources if you have tried them yourself.