Norton – Error: ?LU1875″ on update

Well my one remaining PC (running XP) with Norton on it came up with this error. This PC has a minimal amount of software on it, and never had issues before.

So why today does Norton stuff up? Who knows!

I found a solution on the net. Not from Norton mind you, just a blogger who somehow worked out the fix. Below are the instructions. Hopefully this will help someone else too!

Note: I take no responsibility for any problems the following procedure may cause. It worked for me with out a hitch. Make sure you have a backup of all your critical files.

  1. Unregister and Re-register Navlucbk.dll (normally under C:\Program Files\Norton Antivirus\Navlucbk.dll)
  2. Perform a disk Cleanup
  3. Restart the Computer
  4. Run liveupdate again

Note: to unregister a DLL, click on start>run and type
regsvr32 /u “path to DLL”.
To re-register, run the same command but without the /u switch.

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