
How to burn oddlynamed disk images

Ever found a disk image that’s not in the normal .ISO or even .NRG format and you can’t burn it? I’ve seen .MDF .B6I – What the hell are they? Well, worry no more. There is a program called ISObuddy that will burn most (if not all of those obscure image formats). From their website, […]

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Imaging Software Cheaper Than Ghost

I was after some software to clone a Windows XP machine onto 20 other identical machines – the main idea was to eliminate the need to install XP from scratch on each machine. Now before I go further, I should mention that my client owned a volume license for these XP machines. I did a […]

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Router Sim Using Real Cisco IOS Images

There’s nothing better than a router sim that has the full Cisco command set available to utilise. All of the router sims (up to now) have a stripped down collection of commands to use. I stumbled on this website a few weeks ago. It’s an open source product that runs on Windows and Linux boxes, […]

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