In case you didn’t know it, support for Windows XP by Microsoft ended on April 8, 2014. What are your alternatives? Let’s have a look at what choices you have.
There are two major considerations to take before taking the plunge into learning and using a new operating system. The first is cost (whether you can afford it), and the second is whether your computer is fast enough to rung that operating system.
I won’t expand on the first consideration as that is quite explanatory. But the second can and probably will overlap into the first :-). Your computer running XP is probably a few years old and the hardware specs aren’t that flash. The choices discussed below require decent hardware and a generous amount of RAM to run properly, so you might have to consider buying a new machine also. Below are also listed the hardware requirements for your choice of operating system too which hopefully will help.
Your first obvious choice would be to upgrade to Windows 7. Windows 7 is a great operating system with very few (if any) problems, and is quite a popular choice. The feel is similar to XP and you will have little trouble adapting to the differences. The system requirements to run windows 7 can be found here.
You could also upgrade to Windows 8.1 which is the latest offering from Microsoft. Let me warn you straight off that the learning curve is quite steep and the use and look is vastly different to what you are used to. Having said that, I actually don’t find it too bad after getting used to it but would recommend a lot of RAM (minimum 8 Gig) to run it. System specs are listed here.
Why stay with Microsoft? You have other choices! For example Linux. Linux used to be an operating system only geeks would use, but is way more mainstream these days. Best of all it is free, and you have many choices of what flavor of Linux you can run. One such, that has a very similar feel to windows, is Linux Mint. Check it out and the system requirements here.
Another choice is to buy a Apple Mac. Again the learning curve will be steep but Apple products have a reputation of just working, and working well. Of course, there is expense with buying a new computer and Apple Macs are also known for not being cheap.
Something else to consider is not having a PC anymore and using a tablet type of device like an iPad or Android based device. The beauty of these devices is portability and they don’t take up much room at home either.
What have you done in a post Windows XP world? Or are you still using it and haven’t made up your mind yet on which is the best alternative to pick? Leave a comment below.